Featured Rewards

Rewards are one of most important aspect of the Belly product for Members. In order for a Merchant to have a successful loyalty program, the rewards they offer must entice their customers to feel compelled to sign up and/or return to their business to earn points.

The introduction of Featured Rewards allows Merchants to highlight their best offer across all Belly marketing channels including the in-store iPad, email, web and the Belly mobile app. In addition, the utility of Featured Rewards enables Merchants to manage their own rewards (create, edit, delete) which previously was not self-service from the Belly Web Command Center.

My specific role for the Better Rewards project was leading design, engineering and business teams to ensure Better Rewards released correctly and timely. This included product development, QA, facilitating the rollout plan, supporting and prioritizing bugs, and providing routine status updates on program performance.

Mobile App and iPad

Mobile App and iPad

Onboarding (video)

Create/Edit (video)

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